Monday, September 06, 2004

here comes the sun

all i have been hearing for the past few days is about the hammer gold medal being stripped from a guy called annus. all i could think of were the sun's puns into this doping scandal. OIC looking for missing annus. probe into annus. annus opens up and tells all. WORLD EXCLUSIVE: annus speaks to the sun. annus found in frankfurt.


those two dylan cds are FUCKING EXCELLENT.

earth moved

there were 2 earthquakes in nagoya yesterday. i know i've written about earthquakes before, but these were much bigger than before. i live on the 3rd floor if an old apartment block. when the quake hit, the whole room was shaking. it is almost impossible to describe how it feels when you are stuck in a shaking room, where the bed is walking across the wooden floorboards, the shelf with the tv on is rocking back and forth and the bathroom starts to creak and moan under the strain. everything is swaying, all your clothes you've hung up, the bottles of ketchup on the fridge, the very floor you are sitting on. the second one was slightly bigger than the first and managed to knock cds and cups off the shelves, smashing as they hit the ground. as the tremors approach, you can feel it slowly at first, and then it builds in intensity. a second lasts a minute. as things tremble they create a mismash of beats, like a thousand crazy drummers playing on your furniture. all the safety procedures run through your head. dive under a table, stand in a doorway, don't go outside until it is over, prepare 3 days of food and water... and then it slows to slight murmur and stops, although for you the ground still feels unsteady and you feel slightly nauseous from motion sickness. all that is left is fragments of ceramic and plastic to clean up, and the realisation that you are at the complete mercy of one of those things.

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