i woke up late. it's sunny so i decide to do the laundry. i see the clock. it's already 12. i have so many things to do today.
i eat a banana and switch on the tv. i flick through all the channels at least 4 times knowing that nothing will have changed. i switch off the tv and listen to a cd. it's the new gorillaz album. i listen to dare because shaun ryder's voice makes me laugh. i don't know why. i always try to skip the dennis hopper track and also the second track. i don't like those ones.
i cook lunch. it consists of yesterday's soup and yesterday's rice. i put the saucepan on the stove and heat up the soup. i put the cold rice into a bowl and open the microwave. in the microwave i find rice from 2 days ago. i sniff. i inspect. i sniff again. no bad smell. i combine the 1 day and 2 day old rice and put it into the microwave. to soup starts to get hot, but it isn't ready yet.
i pick up a book and start reading. it's a history book. i notice that the writer uses many words that i don't know so i start refering to a dicitonary. i also notice that he starts sentences with conjunctions and uses idiom to punctuate his wordy paragraphs. i learn the word apostacy.
the soup is almost ready. i turn the dial on the microwave to 1 minute. i remember that the rice is 2 days old so i add another 30 seconds. the soup is ready. the microwave dings. i turn the dial to 1 minute again just to make sure. i picture the germs explode as the photons annihilate them. the microwave dings again. the rice is very hot and very dry.
i look out of the window and see it's a sunny day. i do the laundry via the coin operated machine in the bottom of my building. it's not a room because it has no door. the ground is covered with ripped tissue. i remember that i did the laundry yesterday too, but left a tissue in my shirt pocket. as i took out he wet clothes i shook them to get the tissue off. the tissues littered the ground. i though the wind would blow them all away but they didn't.
i read some more. recidivist. i know that one, but i look it up just in case. i was right. it's talking about manchester and womens rights. unitarian: don't know it. thralldom: look it up. calvinist: know it.
i leave my flat. i'm going to the cd shop. i use my bike because it's a sunny day. the ride has ups and downs and finishes with a very long uphill climb. i realise my back tire is flat. the cd shop doesn't have the cds i want so i buy some others instead. i ride back and drop into an internet cafe. i type words.
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