Sunday, September 03, 2006

more reading

finished the miller's tale. it was funnier than i remember, and also ruder. maybe i'm getting old.

read the shipman's tale. was rubbish compared to the miller's. no wit and lots of sermonising. else i didn't really understand it. i didn't fall asleep while reading it though.

also read the prologue to the reeves's tale. (pop quiz: what is the reeve's first name?). it makes the tale look promising.

i remember going to the theatre on a school trip to see a production of the canterbury tales. it had brian glover in it. i kept wanting an alien to reach down from the spotlight and grab him whilst the peasants run off screaming. not really. i was just happy to see a famous person.

i also remember a woman complaining because another member of the audience was laughing. imagine that. a person laughing at a funny story. i bet she's a riot at parties. i think the manager moved her to another seat in the interval. i think brian glover commented on it during an ad lib during the second half. that was over 10 years ago now. brian glover is dead, and i will never see that woman again.


can you believe roger ebert is still in hospital? will he ever write again? how else am i going to know what to think about films if he doesn't recover? i learnt a jewish word a few years ago. it is appropriate here. roger ebert is a mensch. i hope he gets well soon.

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