Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Demons and Angels trailer - the best bit about the new Wolverine movie

Saw X-men Origins: Wolverine yesterday. It was a bit rubbish really. Some half decent action scene and lots of sledgehammer exposition (ever wanted to know what happens if you shoot Wolverine in the head with an adamantium bullet? Well this film tells you, no really it tells you to your face and waves signs in case you should be any doubt) and terrible movie cliches that should be made illegal (no-one is allow to hold a recently dead body and scream "Noooooo!" into the sky anymore, and you are also not to *literally* walk off into the sunset with a girl in your arms).

What interested me more was the trailer for Demons and Angels.

Don't get me wrong, I expect the new film to be just as good as The Da Vinci Code. I.e. crap. See, no code needed.

But what I did like is the trailer. If you EVER need to make a trailer, this is the perfect example of a trailer.

It starts with flashes of a crowd scene... everything seems normal then blood, then SCREAM!!!! (This sets the scene, the location, and something to investigate - in this case, a dead body in the Vatican).

Voice over, more strange buildings, crucifixes, flash someone famous, mention the hero's name. BANG, studio name. (Yes! Ewan McGregor's in this! Yes! Mysterious violin music to get me in the mood.)

More voice over, tick. Explain the previous movie, tick. Explain this movie, tick. (Yes! Its the sequel to The Da Vinci Code, and I'm happy to see Tom Hanks hasn't had a haircut.)

Talk about mumbo jumbo secrets, jump cuts to acts of violence. Repeat. Repeat. (I'm so excited!)

STOP. Joke. (Ho ho, tension broken, I'm ready for my second wind now.)

Increase speed of jump cuts, have exposition over scenes with lots of movement. Repeat. Add lots of running! Cars! Explosions! Thing falling apart! Guns shots! Breaking glass! Doors bursting open. More guns! Shouting! Explosions! Guns! People hitting other people! Even more guns! (Wow, this is the most EXCITING thing ever!!!)

Faster cuts, faster, faster, faster! Add lots of Gregorian chanting. Cut! Cut! Cut! Then a final flash then BANG! Titles roll: Angels and Demons. (What is this film?! What's it called?! I must know, I must know, I must... Oh it's Angels and Demons. Yes! I win!)

And relax...

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