Friday, February 23, 2007

Hold the Blakes

Just found out yesterday that William Blake used to live in Felpham. I used to live in Felpham! He really liked it and says of it: "Heaven opens here on all sides her golden Gates". I was pretty young so don't have much memory of it. They say he wrote Jerusalem here. Felpham inspired him to write Jerusalem! Ancient feet on ancient lands. In Felpham! Satanic mills. In Felpham! Arrows of desire!

One of my clearest memories of Felpham is the beach. You could walk to beach from my home. You could follow the beach down to the penny arcade; or go the other way and you'd reach Butlin's (a holiday camp). Maybe that's the Satanic mill. I can't remember not sleeping with a sword in my hand. And I never did build a holy site of worship.

I did make sand castles though. I made them with a moat so the sea water could protect it. Stop the invading marauders from attacking. It always worked for a while; as the tide was coming in. But then the sea would continue coming in and flood the moat. It would wash away the base of the castle and from within, everything crumbles. I'd come back the next day and have to start again.

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